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Tracking is Key

So, you have a great marketing idea; you have created your piece, put it out there and are excited to get some results. Your work isn't done! It’s not time to sit back and collect the you need to track your results.

You need to figure out if your approach worked. It is important to see if your choice in outlets was correct, the piece you used brought the right customers and don't forget - did you make back enough to cover the cost of your piece?

With the wide spread use of the internet, we are lucky to have some less expensive options to get our name out there. We still need to make sure we are doing it right! Focus on the purpose of the piece you created and set up some goals.

Marketing goals may be: adding 50 new customers to your customer database

have each customer spend at least $15 at that visit

Create regular customers

Get current customers to refer friends

The sky is the limit!

Now create a spreadsheet that tracks your goals daily. Each week check those results. At the end of the month, evaluate the results of your marketing piece.

How close did you get to your goals? Is there some way to tweak the offer to bring greater results? Could you use that piece in a different outlet - local newspaper, in conjunction with a partner/community event/etc... Don't forget to consider the cost of the piece, the $ spent boosting the ad or printing – etc., the food cost for anything you discounted and the cost for any sales incentives given in conjunction with the piece.

Now you know if this is a marketing tool you will want to use again and again, or if you should scrap that idea and start fresh! Tracking helps your business run smoother and keeps you feeling in control.

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