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Lets talk about Attitude!

Have you noticed how when you run into a happy person your day seems a little brighter? Have you considered how your attitude can affect your employees and co-workers? Have you ever had something happen that made you say, "I'm having a bad day" and then it all went downhill from there?

You can fix that! Start your day off being thankful that you are alive and move on from there. Find things to smile about and more positive things will come your way. I truly believe this. And when you have this attitude, when something "not right" happens, you won't immediately jump to "I'm having a bad day" - instead you can say, "Well that sucked!" and move on.

Remember that your attitude is what drives your team. You need to create a culture of positivity to keep everyone moving forward towards reaching your company goals. No one wants to go to work where everyone is unhappy. Often times, even when we aren't in the best of moods, if we make ourselves smile we quickly get out of the slump. - - Try it!

On that note, be sure to notice and acknowledge your employees or co-workers when they go above and beyond or get a great customer comment or help out another employee. It all matters. It makes you likeable, and people like working for likeable people!

Hope this enlightens you to brighten someone's day!

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