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We Are All Salespeople

We are all salespeople at one time or another, whether it is during a job interview (selling ourselves), at work (selling our product) and ESPECIALLY as a business owner. It is important to remember that we own and operate a business that we believe in. We know that what we offer a product or service that is of value, and we should want to share that with the world!

Make sure you tell people that you meet what you do. If you aren't willing to spread the word about your business, who is?!? Be proud of what you do and let others know what services you offer. The clerk at the pet store may not be in the market for your service, but his neighbor/brother/cousin may be. Every connection matters! (remember the 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon)

Don't be afraid to wear the "salesperson hat". Honest, caring salespeople are some of the most successful people in the world. Be true to you, be true to your business, most of all- be true to your customers, and SHARE SHARE SHARE!!!

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