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Find out what it means to me... And everyone you work with! Great teams start with mutual respect. Managers don't get respect just because they are the boss, they have to earn it!

In order to build a great team, you need to trust your employees to do the job they were hired to do. This doesn't mean set it and forget it; you still need to check back with them to ensure the job is done right. Talk with them, not AT them. Listen to what they have to say and show them that you care. Help out when possible. Employees appreciate it when a manager steps in and helps out once in a while.

Show them the respect you want shown to you. Be courteous and kind in your interactions and they will reciprocate. You will not be promoting good feelings if every conversation is negative or accusatory. Be honest but caring, show the employee the right way to do something when giving corrections and let them ask questions.

Listening is key. What you say and what employees hear may be two different things. Listen to their responses to be sure your point is understood. Ask questions of them, and truly listen to what they have to say. Positive training goes a LONG WAY! For help with training of management or crew – send me a note:

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