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Take care of Yourself

There is a reason the airlines tell you to put your own oxygen mask on before helping those around you. If you aren't healthy- you won't be able to help anyone, let alone yourself or your business. So, start taking care of yourself.

According to WebMD Sleep plays a critical role in thinking and learning. Lack of sleep …impairs attention, alertness, concentration, reasoning, and problem solving. This makes it more difficult to learn efficiently. Lack of sleep also greatly affects your nervous system, leaving your brain exhausted and compromising decision making processes. Make sure you get enough sleep.

Take some time to quiet your mind and just be. This may be a morning cup of coffee on the porch, a 10-minute meditation practice before your day begins, or a decompressing end of day cup of tea while watching the birds in your yard. It is so important to give your mind an opportunity to be quiet. Just sit and breathe and feel that you are alive!

Don’t forget to add exercise to your routine. It is recommended that we get 30 minutes a day of exercise. This can be at 15-minute intervals, if you can’t seem to fit in 30 minutes at once. My mom used to park as far from the door as she could wherever she went. We kids hated that, but it was a way a busy working single mom of 7 (at home) could get some exercise! Didn’t realize the important lesson she was teaching me then, but I do now!

I always feel so much better and more positive about life when I do these things. When my brain feels like it is functioning well and I know I have done something good for myself, I feel like I can conquer the world. Occasionally I get a little down, just like anyone else, and don’t do these 3 simple things. But as a very successful program says, “One day at a time."

Remember, tomorrow is another day - you can start over and make it FANTASTIC!

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