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The End is Near

We are rounding the corner on the third quarter and nearing the end of the year. How did it go? Have you reached hiring & training goals? How did you do with production goals...profitability? Have you taken the time to run reports and look at these items?

Now is the time. Don’t think there isn’t time to correct if you are off course, there is always time to do things right. We have three and a half more months! Just be diligent and take the right steps.

First, make sure you know the company mission statement. Then, what goals were set at the beginning of the year? Run reports so you can determine if you came close, reached or exceeded those goals. Always keep in mind the company philosophy.

Why do I talk about the company mission statement and philosophy? Because that is what should be driving your decisions. Those things help determine your goals and how you intend to reach them. If your mission statement is “we strive to provide the best customer care” and your goal is to have zero returns, make sure the goal is being met with the customer in mind. Not by creating a policy that we don’t accept returns. That goal would be met by training your sales staff to understand what each customer is looking for, explain the item for sale completely to ensure customer satisfaction. Get it?

Now, take the time to share your wins with your crew. It is important to include them in the business goals. If your staff doesn’t know what your goals are, they can’t help you reach them! Offer praise and let them know you appreciate them.

Next, create a plan to reach the goals still not reached. Create your action steps and share those with the appropriate crew members. Give each employee a feeling of importance and delegate what you can that will give them buy in. People want to feel needed and important. Building a sense of team will help you reach your goals faster than you imagined!

Finally, make sure you follow up. With only 3 months of the year left, it is important to review regularly. Follow up on progress the team is making. Give each crew member some undivided attention and get your goals met!

If you need help reviewing or formulating your plans, give me a call! I have helped others reach sales, profitability and revenue goals, and I can help you too! (920)378-6996

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