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Creative Scheduling Helps through the Tough Times

Door County, Wisconsin is a great place to visit. In the summer, hundreds of thousands do. In the winter, not so many. Each town on the peninsula has only a few hundred year-round residents, so how do they handle all that tourism business? With college kids and international student workers. What happens when those student workers go back to school, and the fall colors bring in hundreds more visitors? The year-round workers must shoulder the work.

It is crazy, because your crew works very hard all summer long, and look forward to September because the weekdays slow down a bit. BUT, half the labor leaves at that time, so even though they have made it through those busy summer months, they must push even harder to get through September and October.

Here are a few tricks to help get you through those shoulder months:

  • Cross train the year-round employees so they can help cover in areas that are lean.

  • Early on, hire a part time person that is cross trained, again, so they can cover where its lean. But also when hours change, they will continue to have work – so it’s a win/win.

  • Stagger in-times. Have one person do opening duties on their own, while the others come in later when the business hits or work is most time sensitive, the later in-time person stays while the first in goes home as soon as business allows.

  • Pitch in! Yes, you are the manager, but it is important that you show your team you care by stepping in and helping when needed. You will be amazed at how many brownie points this get you! You will earn their respect and their loyalty.

  • Reward the team – buy them lunch, give out candy, or just say, “Thank you” - - this goes a long way.

  • Stay positive. You can do it! And, if you are positive, your crew will be too.

Hang in there. You've got this. Once October is over, you will be ready to spend time strategizing for next year. If you need help, give me a call at (920)378-6996 or shoot me an e-mail at

Here’s to your success!

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