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Need Help Staying on Track

Time flies when you are having fun - and when you have a lot to do. Often, we find ourselves getting off track and at the end of the day realize that we didn't get several things done that we wanted to. Organization and time management skills are essential to keeping us on track.

It is important that you take the time to plan your day. Do it in writing. You can do this at the end of the day, so you are prepared for the next day, or first thing in the morning. Do it on paper so as you complete a task, you can check it off – or put a line through it. Whatever helps give you a feeling of accomplishment that will spur your energy to continue your work and keep going.

When writing your lists, you should ask yourself some questions:

  • What do I need to do today that will bring money into my business?

  • Are there invoices that need to be sent?

  • Any requests for proposals that need to be completed?

  • Is there a past due invoice I need to call about?

  • What do I need to do today that could bring new business to my company?

  • Are there potential clients to contact?

  • Is there a social media post that needs to be created?

  • Are there any networking events I should attend?

  • What tasks do I need to do today to help my business operations run smoothly?

  • Who do I need to meet with today?

  • What reports should I look at to ensure I am meeting my goals?

  • What can be done to get me back on track to meet those goals?

  • Who should I talk to about what a great job they have done that has helped meet my goals?

  • What tasks didn’t get done yesterday?

Feel free to add questions that are more specific to you.

Make sure you have a clean, organized workspace. Your brain works better when there is less clutter – less clutter outside, less clutter inside! Each day before you leave the office, allow yourself 15 minutes to put things away and get yourself set up for the next day’s success!

If you need help creating your questions, setting goals, and getting organized – e-mail or give me a call! (920)378-6996

Here’s to your success!

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