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Building a Strong Team

Teamwork is essential in most industries, but especially in hospitality. When dealing with customers who need an immediate solution, it is essential that employees work as a team to resolve problems and provide outstanding service. It doesn’t matter who “did it” just that whatever the customer issue was, it is owned by whoever it was reported to, and corrected as quickly as possible.

So how do you foster a team attitude? How do you get your employees to feel like they belong and have each other’s backs?

First, you show them respect. You treat each team member like they are valuable. You ask for input and opinions. You pitch in when needed, give praise loudly when deserved, correct behavior in private with respect. You project the behavior you expect.

Make sure you resolve conflicts between co-workers in a timely manner. Help them come to an amicable solution. Communication is key. Open communication fosters trust and loyalty.

Encourage your employees to ask for help. Whether it’s with delivering a tray of beverages, taking trash out, or pulling down some equipment from the attic. Cross train so employees can pitch in where and when needed. It makes a person feel good when their co-worker trusts them to help complete a task. It creates positive energy when one employee aids another.

In hospitality, creating great experiences for our guests is what matters. Whose face is in front of the guest isn’t important, it’s that outstanding guest experience that we are shooting for. Working together is how we provide that experience.

Be positive, create a safe and comfortable environment for your employees and you will see your team blossom!

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