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Writer's picturejoan hutchinson

Getting Things Done

So, as I said last week, now is not the time to stop, now is the time to get organized and re-visit how you do business. So, Let’s talk about goal setting.

First, go back to your business plan and look at what your mission statement and values are. Do those items still hold true? Are your intentions the same? If not, look at why those items don’t hold true- what has changed? Did you find that your business went in a different direction? If so, are you happy it did, or do you want to head back towards your original intentions? If not, you need to spend some time re-writing your plan.

I know there are a lot of questions I just asked, but it is imperative for the health of your business, that you answer them. If your mission and values are still the same, you then need to look at your original goals. Did you set goals that are measurable? Did you run weekly, monthly, quarterly reports to check the progress of reaching those goals?

I recommend setting 3- 5 main goals for your company, then breaking those goals down in to smaller ones- making sure they are measurable. Once you have the smaller goals set, you create action plans that provide steppingstones to success. These steps are also measurable, once the action has been completed, you should be able to see the road to goal achievement.

Who in your organization was vital to those goals being reached? Did you share the goals with that person? Did you work with them, so they understood the importance of their role in the achievement of company goals? This is so important. Create buy-in, make your employees feel respected and needed. That is how you build loyalty and teamwork.

It is also how you keep your sanity. When you have employees, you need to delegate. Why have employees if you are going to do all the work yourself? Hire people you trust, set expectations, create measures and checks that expectations are being met, and enforce the expectations. Then trust that you hired and trained well and let them do their jobs.

Ask for reports, meet regularly and go over those reports together. Let them know their work isn’t just to keep them busy- its to make sure you all reach your goals. Talk about what is working and what isn’t. Communicate- which includes listening. Troubleshoot issues together, talk about implementation measures, THANK THEM for their work – and talk about “to-do lists” that should be done before the next meeting.

THAT is how you get things done!

Happy planning.

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