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Writer's picturejoan hutchinson

Still working on my plan for the year! What about you?

Its January 14th and I’m still working on my plan for the year! What about you?

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again – It’s never to late to start. And it’s never too late to plan.

The saying is true: If you fail to plan you plan to fail. If you don’t set your goals, how do you expect to reach them? Don’t know where to start?

Here are some tips to get you moving in the right direction:

1. What is important to you and why? This is #1 – because if it isn’t meaningful to you and things get hard, it will be easy for you to give up.

a. Consider the goal.

b. Why do you need to

accomplish this goal?

To Improve my life …HOW? To bring money…for what? Cause I can buy a Mercedes…what

does a Mercedes mean to

you? I can pay for my kids’ school… and that is important why?

2. Identify what might get in the way. Maybe: I need to keep my day job while working towards this goal. Or, I need a software program, which costs money. Even, I don’t have internet.

3. NOW you can start planning.

4. Write out your goals.

a. Be specific.

b. Write them in the present tense- “I have $24,000 in the bank.”

c. Make sure they are measurable (I am financially secure isn’t specific)

5. Set a date you wish to achieve these goals.

6. Break the goals down into smaller, incremental goals with dates of accomplishment.

Now - get yourself an accountability partner. This can be a business coach, or just a friend or relative that you feel comfortable with. Make sure you commit to a consistent meeting date and time. BE THERE when you say you will be. This accountability partner is important to keeping you on track. Make sure you show up on time and are not distracted. If you are meeting virtually, sit in a private space and give your partner 100% of your attention.

Celebrate even your smallest win. You need the pat on the back to keep you motivated. Afterall, you accomplished something! Each step is one step closer to the end goal.

Each time you reach a milestone, after celebrating the win, look at the larger goal. Evaluate your progress and add incremental goals as needed. Reminding yourself regularly of the end game is important to keep you on track.

Ready, Set, GOAL!

Here’s to your success-

Joan Hutchinson, Your Restaurant Maven

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